Club Family Hotel Village Milano Marittima:
spazio alla vacanza!

Listino prezzi camere comunicanti a Milano Marittima
L’Angolo del Ghiottone
Consulenza pediatrica in hotel gratuita
Un mondo di servizi a misura bimbi
Per giocare e divertirsi all’aperto nel giardino del Club Family Village a Milano Marittima c’è tanto spazio
Tate professioniste Nanny School®
Dina la Merendina fa più dolce la mattina!
Dine Around: con noi mangi dove vuoi!
Kids world, tanti spazi per giocare a misura di bambini
Family Boat: una giornata speciale CFH cullati da mare!
I biglietti omaggio al parco acquatico Atlantica sono inclusi nella vacanza
Top Quality All Inclusive Club Family Hotel Milano Marittima Village
Con Drinky il nostro open bar viene sempre con te
Arcade Games: divertimento senza tempo a Milano Marittima
2 ragazzi fino a 18 anni sempre gratis!
Il parco giochi all’aperto più grande di Milano Marittima
Estate 2023: solo grandi novita’!
Prezzo speciale + qualità da prima classe!
Angolo delle Occasioni
Una vacanza speciale solo per te e il tuo piccolo
CFH Roulette: Offerta Vacanze di 🌈Primavera nei Club Family Hotel
Inizia l'estate con noi! 
Mirabilandia, il più bel parco divertimenti della Romagna, è incluso nella tua vacanza!
Offerte soggiorno al Club Family Hotel Village Milano Marittima
Camere familiari e comunicanti a Milano Marittima, per famiglie large e small
Lavorare al Club Family Hotel è super divertente
Club Family All Inclusive®Open Bar: vacanza senza sorprese
In Hotel trovi una piscina riscaldata affacciata sulla spiaggia
Listino prezzi vacanze estate 2025 a Milano Marittima
Hotel villaggio vacanze con animazione a Milano Marittima
Scopri quante cose puoi fare e vedere a Milano Marittima e in Romagna
Partire in vacanza con i bambini tranquilli e senza dubbi si può!
Il ristorante del Club Family Hotel Village Milano Marittima è aperto!!!
Club Family Hotel Village Milano Marittima:
it’s holiday time!

Price List of Communicating Rooms in Milano Marittima
Glutton’s Corner
Paediatric Consultation at the Hotel Included
A World of Child-Friendly Services
There is plenty of space to play and have fun outdoors in the garden of the Club Family Village in Milano Marittima
Nanny School® professional nannies
Dina la Merendina makes the morning sweeter!
Dine Around: with us you eat where you want!!!
Kids world, many child-friendly play spaces
Family Boat: a special CFH day, rocked by the sea!
Complimentary tickets to the Atlantica water park are included in the price of your holiday
Top Quality All Inclusive Club Family Hotel Milano Marittima Village
With Drinky our open bar always comes with you
Mirabilandia, the most amazing amusement park in Romagna, is included in your holiday!
2 kids up to 18 years old always free!
Milano Marittima's largest outdoor playground
A special vacation just for you and your little one
Special price + first-class quality!
Accommodation offers for staying at the Club Family Hotel Milano Marittima Village
Club Family All Inclusive®Open Bar: holidays with no surprises
The hotel has a heated swimming pool overlooking the beach
Holiday Village Hotel with Entertainment in Milano Marittima
Family and Communicating Rooms in Milano Marittima, for large and small families
Discover how many things you can do and see in Milano Marittima and the Romagna region
The Restaurant at the Club Family Hotel Village Milano Marittima is open!!!
Summer 2025 holiday price list in Milano Marittima
Going on holiday with children with peace of mind and zero doubts is possible!
Club Family Hotel Village Milano Marittima:
Zeit für einen Urlaub!

Preisliste Zimmer mit Verbindungstür in Milano Marittima
L’Angolo del Ghiottone
Pädiatrische Beratung im Hotel inklusive
Eine Welt der kinderfreundlichen Dienstleistungen
Im Garten des Club Family Village in Milano Marittima gibt es viel Platz für Spiel und Spaß im Freien
Nanny School® professionelle Kindermädchen
Dina la Merendina versüßt den Morgen!
Dine Around: Bei uns essen Sie, wo Sie wollen!!!
Kinderwelt, viele kinderfreundliche Spielplätze
Family Boat: ein besonderer CFH-Tag auf dem Meer!
Freikarten für den Wasserpark Atlantica sind im Urlaub inbegriffen
Hochwertiges All-Inclusive-Club-Familienhotel Milano Marittima Village
Mit Drinky kommt unsere offene Bar immer mit Ihnen
Mirabilandia, der schönste Vergnügungspark der Romagna, ist in Ihrem Urlaub inbegriffen!
2 Kinder bis 18 Jahre immer frei!
Der größte Outdoor-Spielplatz in Milano Marittima
Ein besonderer Urlaub nur für Sie und Ihr Kind
Spezialpreis + erstklassige Qualität!
Angebote zum Aufenthalt im Club Family Hotel Milano Marittima Village
Club Family All Inclusive®Open Bar: Urlaub ohne Überraschungen
Das Hotel verfügt über einen beheizten Swimmingpool mit Blick auf den Strand
Hotel Feriendorf mit Animation in Milano Marittima
Familienzimmer und Zimmer mit Verbindungstür in Milano Marittima, für große und kleine Familien
Entdecken Sie, was Sie in Milano Marittima und der Region Romagna alles unternehmen und sehen können
Das Restaurant im Club Family Hotel Village Milano Marittima ist geöffnet!!!
Preisliste für den Sommerurlaub 2025 in Milano Marittima
Mit Kindern friedlich und unbesorgt in den Ur-laub zu fahren ist möglich!
Club Family Hotel Village Milano Marittima:
de l'espace pour les vacances!

Liste de Prix des Chambres Communicantes à Milano Marittima
L’Angolo del Ghiottone
Consultation Pédiatrique à l'Hôtel Incluse
Un Monde de Services Adaptés aux Enfants
Le jardin du Club Family Village de Milano Marittima offre beaucoup d'espace pour jouer et s'amuser en plein air.
Nounous professionnelles Nanny School®
Dina la Merendina rend le matin plus doux!
Dine Around: avec nous, vous mangez où vous voulez!!!
Kids world, de nombreux espaces de jeux adaptés aux enfants
Family Boat: une journée spéciale CFH bercée par la mer!
Des billets gratuits pour le parc aquatique Atlantica sont inclus dans le séjour.
Top Quality All Inclusive Club Family Hotel Milano Marittima Village
Avec Drinky, notre open bar vous accompagne toujours
Mirabilandia, le plus beau parc d'attractions de Romagne, est inclus dans vos vacances!
2 enfants jusqu'à 18 ans toujours gratuits !
La plus grande aire de jeux en plein air de Milano Marittima
Des vacances spéciales pour vous et votre enfant
Prix spécial + qualité de premier ordre!
Offres Spéciales Séjour au Club Family Hotel Milano Marittima Village
Club Family All Inclusive®Open Bar: des vacances sans surprise
L'Hôtel Dispose d'une Piscine Chauffée donnant sur la Plage
Hôtel Village de vacances avec Animation à Milano Marittima
Chambres Familiales et Communicantes à Milano Marittima, pour les petites et grandes familles
Découvrez les nombreuses activités que vous pouvez faire et voir à Milano Marittima et dans la région de la Romagne
Le Restaurant du Club Family Hotel Village Milano Marittima est ouvert !!!
Liste des Prix des vacances d'été 2025 à Milano Marittima
Partir en vacances avec des enfants en toute sérénité et sans aucun doute, c'est possible!